St. Peter Catholic School is dedicated to excellence in education and to the spiritual development of youth within the framework of the Gospel and the tradition of the Catholic Church. Our fundamental task is educating the whole person, integrating faith with learning in daily life. Recognizing the uniqueness and individuality of children, we guide them to discover and develop their God-given gifts.
Our school offers placement in Honor Classes to the students in 6th and 7th grade in English/Language Arts. The eligibility criteria for placement in the Honor classes are evaluated using the following student data:
Achievement Tests results (ACT Aspire and MAP):
After Achievement Test Results are analyzed, the following student data is studied:
Students naturally progress from 5th and 6th grade Honors to 7th grade Honors (unless the Honors teacher, in consultation with the parents, feels that their placement is no longer beneficial or appropriate).
Parents will receive a letter in the beginning of the summer if their incoming 6th grade student has qualified and would like to be considered for Honor’s placement. Incoming 7th grade students who have qualified (Achievement Test Scores) and not previously been in Honors will also be notified by mail.
A report card is issued to each student at the end of each grading period. These dates are on the school calendar.
Academic progress can be viewed on Plus Portals daily. During the fourth or fifth week of each grading quarter, the school calendar will have posted “Progress Reports.” At that time, all of a particular student’s grades for that grading period will be posted.
Grading Scale Grading Code for Academics
94-100 A (Exceptionally High achievement)
86-93 B (High achievement)
78-85 C (Average achievement)
70 -77 D (Low achievement)
0-69 F (Failure to master material)
I (Incomplete)
Homework gives the student opportunities to review, practice, and delve more deeply into the materials taught in class. It is important that each student has a quiet, well-lighted place to study. Parents can expect home assignments in various forms, such as: Drill-oral or written, Study and memorization, reading, projects, written assignments, preparing oral/written reports, correcting test papers/weekly papers, having papers signed.
A Honor Roll: Students who have achieved A’s in all subject areas, conduct grades of A in all areas, and do not have a NP (non-participation) grade in any auxiliary subject.
AB Honor Roll: Students who have achieved grades of 86 (B) or higher, conduct grades of A or B in all areas, and do not have a NP (non-participation) grade in any auxiliary subject.
There is a period of 14 days following the date of the issuing of report cards that parents/students may request a conference with a teacher and the Dean of Academics to contest a grade given for a test, project, etc. in a particular subject. After the two week period, the grades given to a particular student are considered final. There is no exception to this policy.